Our job placement places graduates in entry-level and advanced level employment positions with law firms, corporations, construction companies, businesses, banks, insurance companies and government agencies. Graduates receive professional work attire where needed from sponsoring clothing stores. Graduates will be assigned a Job Placement Coordinator, furthering their “safety net” support system. Our innovative proprietary placement agency methods are specially designed to find employment for our graduates. New Person Project operates job placement facilities at its State Licensed School, New Person Career School in Detroit, MI  



The school's mission is to prepare students for productive and satisfying careers as paralegals, through quality instruction combining academic theory with practical application, designed to provide each student with the requisite knowledge and skills to obtain potential employment as a legal assistant. 


To achieve its mission, the school is committed to the following objectives: 


1. To provide a supportive learning environment that will maximize each student's learning potential, 


2. To offer quality school programs, courses and schedules, regularly updated to reflect the current and future needs of the job market, 


3. To maintain the most modern school facilities, up-to-date resources, as well as competent and skilled teachers, each specialists in their fields of instruction, 


4. To promote confidence, poise, and communication skills in each student, in turn, making them valued employees. 

Family, Widow & Orphan Support 

Members will receive Pro Bono and Reduced-Fee Criminal Defense Services including: Pretrial and Trial Assistance; Appeals Support; Prisoner Assistance;Police and Correctional Officer Abuse Actions;Prosecutor Misconduct and False Imprisonment Actions; Sentencing Reduction; Parole and Probation Assistance; Halfway House and Alternative Sentencing Assistance. Members also receive Pro Bono and Reduced-Fee Civil Actions Services including; Pretrial and Trial Assistance; Appeal Assistance; Employment Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Actions; Employee Benefits, Retirement, Workers Compensation and Disability Benefits Actions; Landlord Tenant Court and Foreclosure Avoidance Services; Family Court, Orders of Protection, Child Support Assistance; Immigration Visa and Removal Actions

Financial, Housing & Legal Assistance

Financial & Housing Assistance

Lifetime Safety-

Net Support

Lifetime Safety-Net Support Services

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Elimination Support

Our members are hit hard with reoccuring alcohol, prescription and self-medicating drug abuse.  We want you to be completely addiction free, not dependent on anything or anyone for a lifetime of  happiness and prosperity. Substituting addictions won't cut it!!  Your physical and mental well-being, as well as your prosperity are priorities.  We help you achieve a prosperous life, free of addictions, cravings and unhealthy substitutes. Specifically, by permanently breaking the substance abuse cycle through reeducation, job placement, support systems and successful societal reentry solutions, you can and will overcome and succeed.

Education & Career Training 


Legal Assistance & Advocacy

Our Research Institute facilities include a resource library, drop-in center, internet, daycare services, LEXIS/NEXIS Research Accessibility, 
A/V Media Presentation, including, Distance Learning Studios and Production. State and federal licensing and accreditation will insure NPP and member up-to-date and state of the art services and facilities. Full and Transparent Charity Accountability: For NPP, its members and their families, mutual and collective follow-up accountability between the individual graduates, their employers, our staff, our Advisory Board and donors will ensure that The New Person Project and our grant sponsor resources are properly utilized. NPP currently operates Research facilities at its State Licensed School, New Person Career School located in Detroit, MI 

Job Placement Services

Mental, Physical Health & Wellness

Our members will be provided short-term financial support in the form of housing, utility, clothing and transportation stipends for themselves and their family members. Affordable Housing services, relocation, counseling, grant access and referrals will be provided to all members and their immediate family members. Complete self-sufficiency is the goal for all of our members and their families. support includes: Foreclosure Prevention; Credit Counseling and Debt Elimination, Homeless Prevention and Support, Housing Purchase and Rental Assistance, and Welfare, Healthcare, and Food Stamp Support.

Complete physical, mental and social well-being is more than just a state of physical health, it encompasses emotional stability, clear thinking, the ability to love, create, embrace change, exercise intuition and experience a continuing sense of spirituality. It is an active process of becoming aware of, prioritizing and making better choices toward a more successful, balanced, fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle and existence. The New Person Project is dedicated to providing you all the tools, mental, physical, dental, vision insurance, health club memberships, dietary regimines, spiritual development, family and relationship counseling, and a wide variety of self-improvement  programs.

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Elimination 

Lifetime long-term multifaceted support services is afforded to all graduate members and their immediate families, featuring lifetime job placement assistance, continuing graduate member education, family member education support, college credit from work experience, continued family membership, free and discounted legal assistance, dental, medical support, financial investment and savings advice, community outreach, long term employer/ee satisfaction and grantor reporting, and continued drop-in research center access. Finally, all graduate members are assigned a Long Term Support Advisor to help maintain and cement their “safety net” support system for the rest of their lives.

Research Institute & Accountability

All member trainees are offered quality undergraduate level, state licensed, nationally accredited state of the art education and training in high demand job-area specific business, medical, legal education, construction and other in-demand occupational fields.  All training is conducted by state licensed and evaluated teachers.  Each trainee is assigned an Academic Studies Advisor further refining the trainee’s “safety-net” support system. Internships and externships will be offered. Excellent college, continuing education and financial aid counseling will offered. All graduates are awarded their training Laptops upon successful completion of their programs of study. New Person Project operates a State Licensed School, New Person Career School in Detroiit , MI

Our members spouses and children will receive support and referral services with: Education and Job Training, Short-Term Financial Support, Utility Support, ransportation Support, Social Security, Disability and Veterans Benefits, Welfare and Food Stamp Support, Foreclosure Prevention, Credit Counseling and Debt Elimination,.Homeless Support, Housing Purchase and Rental Assistance, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Support, Physical Disability Support, Mental Disability Support;  Widow and Orphan Support Services, Widow’s Reducation, Training and Employment Services, Orphan’s Education and Daycare Support, Psychological Services Referral and Support, Medical and Health Services Referral and Support, and Legal Services Referral and Support